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619 Prospect Blvd. Suite 3 I Midland (Ontario) I L4R 0G3
Tél: 705-526-7804
Clinic Update
As of Monday, November 11th, 2024, the clinic will be operating out of the North Simcoe Family Health Team, located in Suite 3. Please make note of this change and direct any future visits to our new location.
This service is available to all residents in the North Simcoe community. This is a same day/next day medical clinic that can assess and provide treatment for people with cold and flu-like illnesses. This is not a walk-in clinic.​
What are the symptoms of cold and flu-like illnesses?
Below are some of the symptoms you may have when you have cold and flu-like illnesses:
Fever or chills
Cough (not related to other causes such as allergies)
Difficulty breathing
Runny Nose or nasal congestion
Extreme tiredness
Sore throat
Muscle aches and joint pain
Pink eye (not related to other causes)
Consider visiting if:
You do not have a primary care provider or cannot access them in a timely manner.
Your symptoms or your child's symptoms are getting worse or are not improving, and you feel that you need medical care.
When do I need to go to the emergency department?
If you or your child develop severe symptoms, call 911 or go to the emergency department.
For adults, severe symptoms include:
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Loss of consciousness
For Children, severe symptoms include:
Working hard or straining to breathe - for example, the lower chest is moving in more than normal when the child breathes, the child is grunting, or the child's nostrils are flaring
Bluish skin
Unable to breastfeed or drink
Very sleepy or difficult to wake
Peeing less than usual
Fever with rash
Seizures or convulsions
Fever in an infant younger than 6 months
If you are worried your child is seriously ill, call 911 or go to the emergency department.
Location & Hours
Located at the North Simcoe Family Health Team at 619 Prospect Blvd., Suite 3, in Midland.
Appointments are available Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm.
How to Register
To register, please click HERE to book an appointment online or call 705-526-7804 ext 0.
Additional Resources
You might also find this tip sheet made by family doctors helpful. It provides tips on deciding when to see care for a child with respiratory illness and how to support your child at home.
Patients can also consider:
Contacting Health Connect Ontario to get advice from a nurse at any time of day by calling 811 or by online chat at If you or your child develop severe symptoms, call 911 or go to the emergency department.
Booking an online appointment at the Online Community Health Clinic which offers free, online appointments with Nurse Practitioners
Booking an online appointment with Rocketdoctor, a partnership with GBGH which offers free, online appointments with a physician